Bloom & Bear Media - Creative Media Production - Digital Media for Sustainable Brands and Purpose-led Organisations - Purpose-driven Clients - Green Web Hosting - Sustainable Print Materials/Graphics

Bloom & Bear Media

07557 097885

19 Bolton Avenue

Company Profile

Bloom and Bear Media, originally named Goya Studios, is a creative media production company with a mission to help purpose-led organisations to bloom! Our clients vary between businesses, charities, authors and musicians - but the one thing they all have in common is that they themselves are on a mission to better the world. Some of our clients are environmentally focused, others are vegan and others are people-centred. All of them contributing something of value to society.

We have a strong moral compass at Bloom & Bear Media, so we align in vision with our conscientious clients. This means that we are better able to understand your business and therefore more accurately represent you in your media assets. Some of the services that we provide include: graphic design, illustration, book covers, social media, video editing, animated advertisements, web design, green web hosting and more!

We offer valuable memberships to help smaller businesses bloom from only 50GBP per month!

Our Social and Environmental Activities

Bloom & Bear Media is committed to producing media in the most environmentally friendly and ethical way possible. Most of our productions are carried out digitally for now, however whenever we produce work through physical creative forms we always opt for eco-friendly materials. We have eco-friendly art materials on hand for this task and are researching into sustainable stop-motion materials to one day launch stop-motion animation as a primary service. We plan to be one of the first pioneers in sustainable stop-motion animation.

When we print promotional materials, we utilise sustainable suppliers. We always consider the most ethical and sustainable choices for any business activity.

We opt to travel by train for business, over car or flight. We also make an effort to carry out the majority of our meetings virtually, before considering if an in-person meeting is necessary.

Our clients vary between businesses, charities, authors and musicians - but the one thing they all have in common is that they themselves are on a mission to better the world. Some of our clients are environmentally focused, others are vegan and others are people-centred. All of them contributing something of value to society.

We always work hard to ensure that our business practices are transparent to our clients. We ensure that they know all important aspects of what is happening with a project and how we operate. We do not outsource work without informing our clients. Our clients always know who is completing their creative media production and we value our client relations highly.

We limit our paperwork and printing. We focus on digital storage with, where possible, eco-friendly solutions. We are aware that there is potential to improve the ethical performance of our digital practices, however currently our priority is to get off the ground as a business and help as many purpose-led businesses as possible so that we have the finances available to make these improvements.

Memberships and Certifications

Organisation for Responsible Businesses (ORB). Responsible Business Member