Blue Tree HR Solutions Ltd - expert HR support - tailored HR solutions - HR support for small businesses - single HR matter support - outsourced HR manager - operations support - employee management

Blue Tree HR Solutions Ltd

07516 335419

11 Bullfinch Drive

Company Profile

We at Blue Tree HR Solutions understand that every business is unique and for that reason we provide expert HR support and solutions designed to assist, not hinder, your ongoing operations.

We are always friendly and approachable, available to offer support in all those employee issues that come with having employees in the business.

We specialise in providing SMEs with as much or as little HR support as they need. Whether you only require help on a single matter or occasional HR support, or are looking for a permanent qualified HR manager for your business, Blue Tree HR Solutions have you covered.

An outsourced HR manager can become part of the team, get to know and understand fully your business and ensure that all HR matters are managed timely and tailored to the business need.

Our Social and Environmental Activities

At Blue Tree HR Solutions, Our Ethos Is Simple. Respect.

Respect for people, the planet and the community.

Our number one aim at Blue Tree HR Solutions is to help small businesses manage their employees in a fair way. We strongly believe that people are the heart of a company and treating them with respect and keeping them engaged is the key to success and a thriving workforce.

Over The Years We Have Seen The Best And The Worst.

We get to hear some true horror stories of how employees are treated. We are pleased that all of our clients care about their teams and work with us to retain their staff in a positive way.

We Have A Passion For Wildlife

We always consider the way we treat the environment. We are working towards being a paperless company and have always used recycled paper. We also offset our carbon emissions by paying for trees to be planted and wherever possible we try to reduce our carbon footprint, by utilising working-from-home options, and by using green energy. We actively recycle or donate old items such as electronics and furniture when we no longer need them to reduce our waste.

We Are Committed To Supporting The Local Community

We have participated in various charity events and volunteered.

For example, Melanie, our MD was a volunteer during the pandemic, collecting prescriptions and shopping and making hundreds of calls to people around the UK who were feeling lonely and needed a friendly chat.

Memberships and Certifications

Organisation for Responsible Businesses (ORB). Responsible Business Member