c/o Contented Ltd, icentrum, Love Lane
West Midlands
B7 4BB
We help business leaders through the short-term need for compliance and certification, to take sustainability to the next level and turn it into a source of competitive advantage and resilience.
We deliver tailored programmes of support for you and your supply chain to benchmark you against others in your sector; develop measurable sustainability goals and plans for delivering them; and work with your people to share the vision, shift the culture and achieve and communicate successes.
We at Contented do our best to contribute to supporting and boosting our local economy by ensuring that we are prioritising local suppliers, especially underemployed freelancers. We also prioritise green procurement by carefully selecting our supply chain e.g., checking sustainability credentials and choosing tech companies that promote fair trade and tree-planting. As well as, informing existing suppliers about the ethical, social, and environmental criteria we wish to adhere to and asking them to clarify or change their policies and actions if they are not adhering to those same sustainability standards. We regard sustainability as part of our risk management.
To reduce our impact on the environmental we advise our team to use public transport and do our best to work from home to cut down travel both for the environment and for overall efficiency and sustainability of our business. Virtual working eliminated international travel but is now creeping up again. We have recognised that by making decisions further ahead, we can build in time for, and save money on, using trains and ferries.
We try our best to give back and support our local community, beyond choosing local suppliers. With the help of our charitable arm, we train, mentor and coach young people to give them the skills they need in the workplace and to build their careers. We have an open door to students and graduates looking for work placements. Our ONTENTE leadership/employability programme has won plaudits in Europe, Africa and Latin America.
We hold regular internal events to encourage our team and associates to regularly reflect on their learning and what they are doing to be more sustainable in and outside of work. We also regularly monitor our performance through the annual meetings and evaluations that we share across the business, to ensure full transparency. We also actively encourage our staff at all levels to contribute ideas and suggestions, to promote the fact that our staff are our most valuable asset.