55 Crown Street
CM14 4BD
As the founding director of Eye Bray Ltd, I help businesses with the unsexy, but necessary things. Knowing what risks you run and making sure you comply with what you need to comply with. When you work with me, that's what you get - me. No gimmicks. No tricks. No hype.
I listen to you. Understand where you are and what you believe you either need, or want, to do. Then I will guide and educate you, and your team, even "get my hands dirty" if necessary, to reach, even surpass, where you believe you should be at.
I'm not your normal kind of consultant and I don't look to have a massive environmental programme at the moment either.
What I concentrate on at Eye Bray Ltd is giving back to the community. Sometimes it is in the form of a piece of pro-bono work with a client (as I have done with a local podiatrist and a local charity). Mostly though, I help with the education community.
I am what is know as an Enterprise Advisor (or EA) and I work alongside the Careers Lead in a school, or college, to help students understand what the workplace is really like.
I provide short talks about the workplace, the interview process, the good and bad influences that their social media account can have as they pursue a career.
I remember, and yes I know it was a long time ago, how daunting it was to decide what to do and what would be my best options for O-levels and A-levels (see I told you it was a long time ago).
Any time I can give to the schools, I support to help them with their goal of getting students interacting with businesses and where possible an individual workplace experience.
The secondary education system has always had it's critics, but I see my role as a business owner as providing reality to the theory that teachers and the curriculum show them.
It's invaluable time for the students and the comfort I can impart is regularly commented on by students and teachers alike.
I'm sure that, as time permits at Eye Bray Ltd, I'll be able to spread my wings and be able to provide more benefit to the environment other than my desire to not print anything (I haven't used a ream of paper since January 2020) and to have as economical a petrol vehicle as I can. There's always room for improvement, right?!