Small99 | Leading a movement for change across the UK | Empowering UK small businesses to reduce their carbon footprint | Practical tools, support & networking. Founder of People, Planet, Pint events


77 Renfrew Street
G2 3BZ

Company Profile

Small99™ empowers UK's small businesses to become more sustainable and profitable by reducing their carbon footprint. Through practical tools, support, and networking, they create a movement for change, helping businesses evaluate their environmental impact, set goals, and track progress. Their ambitious goal is to connect with one million businesses by 2025, making a significant contribution to the UK's carbon reduction targets.

Small99’s People, Planet, Pint™ event series is an agenda-free meet up that provides an opportunity for the community to come together to talk about sustainability and join forces for local impact. Small99™ has developed a carbon measurement tool that provides small businesses with an estimate of their carbon footprint in 3-5 minutes. The Small99™ Hero Platform is a carbon planning digital solution. Carbon Reduction Action Box (CRAB) workshop guides businesses through 6 key areas of their business to build a sustainability plan.

Our Social and Environmental Activities

As a small business, Small99™ is dedicated to implementing sustainable practices within their own operations. With an estimated carbon footprint of 5 tonnes and a predominantly digital business, the majority of their emissions come from train travel to events or workshops, and working from home emissions, mostly gas heating.

The Small99™ team is ambitious for change and aims to connect with one million businesses by 2025 – businesses that can, with their help, improve their sustainability and profitability, while helping the UK meet its carbon reduction targets. Small99™ believes that commitments to 2040 and 2050 are simply not good enough, and targets for 2030 are not ambitious enough. Which is why they believe 2025 is not only ambitious but also a practical target for a large chunk of our economy to strive for.

Small99™ has aligned their business to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, focusing on the 4 goals of; decent work and economic growth (goal 8), sustainable cities and communities (goal 11), responsible consumption and production (goal 12), and climate action (goal 13).

Actions they’ve taken to reduce their footprint can be viewed on their progress page and include switching to renewable energy suppliers, purchasing refurbished/second hand office equipment, swapping to LED lights, using renewable hosting providers, choosing net zero suppliers, ethical financing, installing smart metres and reducing electricity usage. Although they run workshops and events across the world, by engaging local hosts and facilitators, they’ve created a model to ensure they limit travel emissions.

Small99™ is dedicated to partnering with people and organisations who are aligned to their values and committed to doing good. Their network of facilitators and PPP hosts are screened to ensure their voice is in line with Small99’s and the right messaging is being shared across the world. Small99™ ensures that their sponsors and investors are reporting on ESG and setting ambitious targets for future improvements.

For complete transparency, there are some elements beyond Small99’s direct control, such as the use of an email marketing platform, project management board and hosting videos on YouTube. For now, they remain with these providers as they are the best option for them, despite their lack of environmental policies, however they are continuing to pressure these companies to do better and can offer support for the transition if needed.

In 2021 Small99™ was the Wildcard winner of the Scottish Edge competition, chosen by the judges for their innovative ‘wow’ factor, through their sustainability approach, tools and technology.

The Small99™ Carbon Reduction Action Box (CRAB) workshop is CPD accredited, to ensure attendees are committed to upskilling themselves to enhance personal and business performance or resilience.

Memberships and Certifications

Organisation for Responsible Businesses (ORB). Responsible Business Member