The JobsBoard - Advertise job vacancies - direct jobs advertising - recruitment packages - free advertising for charities and not for profits - UK job opportunities

The JobsBoard (Kent Recruitment Bureau Limited)

01732 441266

07955 752295

15 Tankerton Road

Company Profile

The JobsBoard, a service provided by the Kent Recruitment Bureau, is a place to advertise your job vacancies.

Jobs in all business sectors, full- or part-time, anywhere in the country.

The JobsBoard supports companies looking to advertise jobs directly.

The JobsBoard provides monthly packages for recruitment companies.

The JobsBoard supports charities and not-for-profit organisations with free advertising for their volunteer and employed roles. Advertising on the JobsBoard ensures that more people see the opportunities they offer.

It also saves these organisations money.

Our Social and Environmental Activities

Being a responsible business means taking time to do things for the greater good.

There are three main aspects that I feel define The JobsBoard as responsible

1. I offer free job and volunteer vacancy advertising to charities and not-for-profit organisations. Through this, I have helped many organisations to find the people they need to do their good work. The volunteers have also benefitted from becoming part of a worthwhile organisation.

2. The design of the company website is very important. Every day, hundreds of people view the job pages and apply for jobs. Through thoughtful design and technical expertise, our web developers have created a JobsBoard with a very low carbon footprint. (Independently audited by the Eco-Friendly Web Alliance.) There is still scope for improvements, but I am proud of the site's green credentials.

3. Although my office's carbon impact is small, we have offset it through a tree-planting programme. I am looking at building relationships with local nature organisations to be more directly involved in habitat management.

Like many small businesses, we do the right thing but often forget to tell anyone what we are doing. I want to promote charitable support, green credentials and a responsible approach to business further.

Memberships and Certifications

Organisation for Responsible Businesses (ORB). Responsible Business Member