Where The Mind Grows, Leeds - Nature-Based Coaching - Personal Development - Retreats - Workplace Well-Being - Team Days - Nature Facilitated Coaching - People and Planet

Where The Mind Grows

07537 922458


West Yorkshire
LS13 1HU


Company Profile

Where The Mind Grows offers individual & team well-being solutions. Nature is a co-facilitator in all that we do! Coaching with a green conscience for personal development, purposeful living & healthier, happier futures.

Our coaching at Where the Mind Grows is focused on creating positive changes for people & planet's health.

Reconnecting people with Self as part of nature. Finding solutions through exploration, innovation & brave, bold conversations.

Individual coaching programmes & retreats-in nature- to explore:

- Confidence & Self Esteem

- Calm, Clarity & Purpose

- Wild Creativity & "Authentic Self"

- Balance & Well-Being

Workplace Well-Being: Team Days, Employee Coaching, Leadership, Well-being strategy workshops & Personal Development Programmes focus on:

- Employee Well-Being (individual & collective)

- Enhancing Culture (through psychological safety)

- Sustainable Solutions for people &

Our Social and Environmental Activities

Where the Mind Grows is committed to operating responsibly and regeneratively. This ethos is at the heart of everything we do both in terms of what we deliver, and how we operate ourselves.

The following is a snapshot of what we do to drive those commitments.

- An ongoing member of the Regenerators Academy for Regenerative Leadership

- Part of a range of 'good business' networks including the Better Business Network, Yorkshire Eco Business Network and now ORB

- Signed up for the Better Business Act and support lobbying for this.

- Committed to personal development and coaching modalities that support people to enhance their mental health and well-being. Believing healthier people increase the capacity to be kinder to the planet.

- A member of the Yorkshire Climate Coaching Alliance

- Nature is a key stakeholder in our business, and we make choices around purchasing, clients and session design with conscious care for nature in mind.

- Trained with the Climate Psychology Alliance to deliver Climate Cafes

- Studied Ecopsychology with Natural Academy

- Trained as a Think Like a Tree facilitator to support wider ways for people to access nature-based thinking.

- Evaluate Team changes in Pro-environmental behaviours and nature connection as part of our longer-term programmes.

- Invest in a local rewilding programme Make It Wild using Tree Planting as an educational and coaching tool to help clients understand their relationship with and to nature.

- Aim to support and utilise local businesses and research and source ethical suppliers

- Have set a personal challenge in the business to shift to ethical and sustainable suppliers in all business support services.

- Only use associates and co-facilitators who match our values.

- Put our inclusivity statements on our website to promote inclusive access.

- Design our products and services with minimum impact. Recycling, repurposing and reusing where possible, nature is also fab at providing us with nature resources to use in the sessions.

- Have signed up to mentor university students in 2023 - sharing skills and building confidence with those interested in self-employment in the Green or well-being industry

- Co-Created Think Like a Forest regenerative business programme for SMEs with Sarah Spencer (author of Think Like A Tree)

Memberships and Certifications

Organisation for Responsible Businesses (ORB). Responsible Business Member